Thursday, January 3, 2008

Check Out Facebook - Full Albums and Updates

Hi guys!!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted much on this site. It's just such a pain to only be able to post one picture at a time, especially since the net is slow and expensive. So, here's my solution. I'm able to post full albums on

For those that don't have an account or don't have me added, simply send me an email to one of the addresses below and I'll give you my username and password so you can go on and read all about my trip and see all the pictures I've posted so far.

Thanks guys and again, sorry about this.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bangkok Tour

The beginning of the tour...Long Tail Boat Ride through the back canals.
Hanging with the locals...making sugar

Wat Pho

Wat Pho

Wat Pho...Peek A Boo

Wat Pho

The Reclining Buddha

Our First of Many Tuk Tuk Rides

Walking through China town to get to India town...for the BEST Butter Chicken and Naan Bread EVER!!!

Riding the Sky Train

Downtown Bangkok

Downtown Bangkok...getting a little Christmas Cheer

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I tried...Here's an update though...

Hey Dudes!

Well, I tried to post some pics, it was going well until the battery died on my camera. I'm such an idiot. Anyway, my travel companion Lindsay Harris has managed to get some up on her facebook. Feel free to add her and check them out...just make sure you let her know who you are first k?

I haven't posted since Kao Sok so there's quite a bit to tell you.
From there we went to Krabi and Ao Nang...two very touristy beach towns...but beautiful scenerey. We did a tour by speed boat to four different islands including Phi Phi, where the movie the beach was filmed. We did a ton of beautiful.

When we returned to land we headed straight for the massage huts on the beach where we both endulged in a thai oil massage and foot exfoliations...for $10 US...Incredible

That night we decided to head out on the town for some well deserved partying. Taylor, Riley, Harris and I went to the Luna Beach Bar. It was friggin' awesome! They played the best tunes, there were so many people and it was right on the beach. We danced sooooo much, I have to say I have never sweat like that before in my life. We are all feeling a little groggy the next day on our travels to Kho Mook...but we survived and it was totally worth it when we saw the beautiful beach. We stayed there one night in a bamboo hut, discovered the best Pad Thai in the entire world, and made sure to get in some quality tanning time.

From there we went camping...not as glamorous I have to say. The beach we were on was beautiful, however the two nights we were there were filled with some interesting adventures. Let me put it in short form:

We climbed a mountain
Got stuck in a huge rainstorm
Broke my camera
Broke Harris' toe
Got Sun Stroke
and be friended some lizards at 3am in the pitch dark...I was just trying to pee!

Needless to say two night was plenty. I was very happy to turn in my stifling tent on the hardest ground ever for another night in the bamboo hut.

And that was it for the tour. We headed back to Bangkok on a 16 hour night train and stayed another night at the Royal Hotel.

We discovered Kao Sarn Road where we ate tons of food, shopped, and just hung out with our buddies Taylor and Riley. The second night (last night) we decided to try out a local's pretty decent. We check out in 40 minutes, then we're heading up North.

Hopefully I'll have the net again soon and be able to keep posting pics.

Jenni if you're out there, maybe you could take some of the pics from Facebook, both mine and Harris and post them on here for me???

I'm signing off peeps...hope you're all doing wonderfully, I miss you tons. Keep the emails coming...I just love hearing from everyone.

All my love,

Finally...some pics of Thailand

Hanging with the locals...
making sugar

Long tail boat ride through back canals of Bangkok

Friday, December 7, 2007

Message from Khao Sok Thailand

Hi Guys!

Sorry, still no pics :(
Hopefully soon...I'm heading into Krabi tomorrow which is a touristy beach place, maybe their internet will be faster...keep your fingers crossed.

Here's what I've been up to since we left Bangkok.
We rode the night train for 12 hours, then hopped a chicken bus, then rode a long tail boat into the Jungle where we stayed at a floating raft house made of bamboo. There was only electricity from 6pm to 10 pm. It was very cool. We trekked through the jungle for a bit and checked out some caves, we did quite a bit of kayaking and a lot of vegging out. We bathed, brushed our teeth and washed our clothes in the huge man made lake we were floating on. It was tons fun.

From there we came here...Khao Sok. We've been here for two days. It's very chill...a little too chill for my liking but whatever. Yesterday we rode tubes down the river with some other Canadians and a couple of the locals. It was friggin' hilarious because there were catfish (or Karp) everywhere! I'm talking hundreds, maybe even thousands. The locals kept throwing food into our tubes and the fish kept jumping up to eat it, biting our asses in the process. They thought it was very funny. We saw a huge field of pot plants too! Two kilos worth!

After the tubing we went to this monkey temple and fed wild monkeys...they were so cute! Especially the babies. It was a good day.

Tomorrow we head out to Krabi which is a touristy beach. I can't wait...I'm in dire need of some quality beach time.

I'm sure there are more adventures to come and I'll do my best to keep you updated.
I hope you are all doing wonderfully and I look forward to your comments :)

Love you and Miss you


Monday, December 3, 2007


Hey Peeps! Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a hard time posting pics to my blog right now. The internet here isn't exactly high speed and it takes forever to download anything. I'm working on it though...I'll keep you posted!

Everything is going smoothly here in Thailand and I'm having the time of my life!!! I'll so much more for you later...I'm headed on a night train to the Southern Peninsula tonight. We have two weeks of Jungle treks, elephant riding in the National Park, Kho Phi Phi (where the beach was filmed) thai massages and naps in hammocks...CAN'T WAIT!

More to come...Miss you :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Saying Bye To Good Ol' Vancouver...

One of the many fun nights out with the Quikies...